- General Notes
- Ascertained crimes by the police and prosecutor's office in completed preparatory proceedings in 2016
- Rates of detectability of delinquents in ascertained crimes by the police and prosecutor's office in 2016
- General Notes
- Water supply and sewerage systems in 2016
- Gas supply system as well as consumers and consumption of gas from gas supply system in households
- Consumers and consumption of electricity in households
- Mixed municipal waste, liquid waste and landfill sites
- Dwellings stocks
- Dwelling in dwelling stock fitted with instalation
- Buldings completed
- Develings completed
- Selected indices of dwellings completed
- Dwellings completed fitted with instalation
- Dwellings completed by forms of construction
- General Notes
- Primary schools for children and youth
- Lower secondary schools for children and youth
- Basic vocational schools for youth
- General secondary schools for youth
- Specialized secondary schools for youth
- Technical secondary schools as well general art schools for youth
- Post-secondary schools
- Pupils and students studying foregin languages in primary schools and lower secondary schools for children and youth
- Students studying foregin languages in upper secondary schools for youth ans postsecondary schools
- Schools for adults
- Pre-primary education
- General Notes
- Beds in general hospitals, generally, avaliable pharmacies and pharmaceutical outfets in 2016
- Out-patient health care
- Nurseries and childrens clubs
- Family foster care
- Instytutional foster care
- Stationary social welfare
- General Notes
- Public libraries in 2016
- Museums
- Fixed Cinemas
- Tourist accomodation establishments
- Sports Clubs in 2016