Focus on the labour market on the Polish-German border in beautiful Schwerin - the capital of the federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Work on a joint analytical study within the Polish-German Working Group for analysis and research on the Polish-German border is ongoing! On September 24-25, 2024, representatives of the Statistical Office in Zielona Góra visited Schwerin (Germany) to talk about the labour market on the Polish-German border and to plan the next stages of work on a joint analytical study on the labour market on the Polish-German border. The meeting was attended by: Robert Wróbel, deputy director of the Statistical Office in Zielona Góra, Iwona Goździcka - head of Lubuskie Regional Research Centre and Roksana Bach - senior statistician at Lubuskie Regional Research Centre. The German side was represented by: prof. Stephan Brunow from the University of the Federal Employment Agency (HdBA), Dr Holger Seibert from the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) of the German Federal Employment Agency (BA) – Berlin-Brandenburg and Britta Lüdeke from the Federal Employment Agency. The main objective of the meeting was to continue work on a joint report on the social and economic situation in border areas. Roksana Bach presented the concept of the report and its progress . She indicated the challenges faced by the team responsible for the report, related to, among others, the availability of comparable data and methodological differences, which affect the possibility of creating a report combining the information resources of public statistics of Poland and Germany. During the meeting, the directions, scope and schedule of further work were determined, as well as the concept of distribution and promotion of the prepared report, including the identification of key users of the report. The meeting was also an opportunity to continue the exchange of experiences in the area of research and analyses enabling the monitoring of the economic situation and functioning of the labour market on the Polish-German border, carried out on both sides of the border. Iwona Goździcka, head of Lubuskie Regional Research Centre, presented a set of data on border traffic, its characteristics, size and structure on the border of Poland and Germany. The topic of the increase in labour migration from Eastern European countries towards Germany was also presented (Dr Holger Seibert) as well as mechanisms influencing the attractiveness of regions and advantages of using national and international statistics in the context of creating policies and operational plans of given areas (prof. Stephan Brunow). An important topic was the differences in methodology when developing data from different sources, using unemployment data as an example (Britta Luedeke).
Study visit on the labour market on the Polish-German border from a statistical and academic perspective
On May 27-28, 2024, the Statistical Office in Zielona Góra was visited by students of the University of the Federal Employment Agency (HdBA) in Schwerin (Germany). As part of the cooperation between the Statistical Office in Zielona Góra and the University of the Federal Employment Agency, Prof. Dr Stephan Brunow and Prof. Dr Uwe Meyer, together with a group of students, visited Zielona Góra to discuss the labour market on the Polish-German border for two days. The HdBA is a higher school of applied sciences in employment. It was founded by the largest provider of labour market services in Germany - the Federal Employment Agency. The HdBA focuses on research at the national and international level. During the visit, the guests of the Statistical Office in Zielona Góra had the opportunity to learn about the mission and vision of public statistics in Poland, the sources of data on the labour market and what can be said about the labour market from the perspective of economic sentiment research. The lectures were given by Kamil Franiszyn (Centre of Business and Agriculture Tendency) and Roksana Bach (Lubuskie Regional Research Centre). The issues raised aroused interest and were a starting point for an interesting discussion. Professors Brunow and Meyer presented issues related to the legal aspects of employment in the Polish-German border area and presented elements of economic theory in the context of the labour market, touching on such issues as, among others, the interdependencies between indicators and variables that affect taking up employment, or the migration model according to Everett Lee. The second day of the visit was dedicated in a special way to students, who presented the results of their several-week research projects related to the labour market on the border. The professional approach and commitment to their presentations resulted in discussions after each speech. The students addressed issues such as: "Diversity of reasons for taking up employment", "Location factors and their impact on the state of the labour market", "Demographic aspects of the labour market and unemployment", "Diversity in the context of commuting to work", "Correlation between unemployment and wage levels". In their work, they used various data sources, including publications from the Statistics Poland and statistical offices. The study visit was the culmination of one of the stages of work in the POGEBOR project, in which, from December 2023, employees of the Statistical Office in Zielona Góra and Prof. Dr Stephan Brunow (HdBA) have been trying to combine the statistical perspective and the academic approach in the context of characterising the situation of the labour market in the Polish-German border area.
Statistics from Lubuskie Voivodship on the Polish-German border
Representatives of the Statistical Office in Zielona Góra participated in the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of the Euroregion "Spree-Neisse-Bóbr/Spree Neisse-Bober". On the Polish side, the Euroregion encompasses the southern and central part of Lubuskie Voivodship, which includes the following powiats and their gminas: Krośnieńskie, Nowosolskie, Świebodzińskie, Wschowskie, Zielonogórskie, Żagańskie, Żarskie, Cybinka and Torzym gmina and Zbąszyń gmina, which belongs to Wielkopolskie Voivodship. On the German side, the Euroregion covers the Spree-Neisse county and the city of Cottbus. The primary aim of the Euroregions is, among others: to improve the standard of living of residents, to increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of border regions, to exchange experiences and information. At the invitation of the President of the Convention of the Association of Polish Gminas of the Euroregion "Spree-Neisse-Bóbr", the director of the Statistical Office in Zielona Góra - Roman Fedak - took part in the official part of the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of the Euroregion. The event was also an opportunity to popularise Polish and European public statistics in region. At the promotional and information stand, the Office's employees: Iwona Goździcka – head of Lubuskie Regional Research Centre, Elwira Olczyk and Piotr Wawrzusik familiarised the event participants with the results of statistical research, including the latest censuses and cross-border statistical research. The Office's stand was met with great interest and was the place of many interesting discussions on the use of statistical data and the general socio-economic situation and changes taking place in the voivodships, their powiats and gminas located directly on the Polish-German border.
The cross-border labour market in the context of the war in Ukraine
The Polish-German Working Group for analysis and research on the Polish-German border met at the headquarters of the Statistical Office in Zielona Góra to discuss the Polish and German labour markets. The meeting, which took place on September 13-14, 2023, was attended by, among others, representatives of the Regional Labour Directorate in Berlin and the Institute for Employment Research Berlin, the Brandenburg Economic Development Agency, the Spree-Neisse-Bóbr Euroregion, and the Voivodship Labour Office in Zielona Góra. Public statistics was represented by: Roman Fedak – director of the Statistical Office in Zielona Góra, his deputy Robert Wróbel, Agnieszka Jankowska – head of Centre of Business and Agriculture Tendency, Elwira Olczyk from Lubuskie Regional Research Centre and Paweł Stopiński, chief specialist from the Centre for Data Engineering at the Statistical Office in Bydgoszcz. During the meeting, a number of interesting presentations were presented on experiences, results of research and analyses carried out on both sides of the border in the area of the labour market and the socio-economic situation on the Polish-German border. On the Polish side, a presentation was listened to by Elwira Olczyk on the demographic situation of the population and its professional activity in the western regions of Poland based on the results of the National Census of Population and Housing 2021. Paweł Stopiński from the Statistical Office in Bydgoszcz discussed, among others, the challenges of public statistics in the field of the labour market, the use of data from administrative sources, implemented improvements to the research carried out and experimental studies conducted in this area. Agnieszka Jankowska, head of the Centre of Business and Agriculture Tendency, presented the information resources of the economic condition research and presented the results of the study, including the assessment of entrepreneurs regarding the impact of the effects of the war in Ukraine on the current economic situation.
Representatives of the German side presented, among others, the structure of employment of Polish employees in Germany and their remuneration, and also attempted to analyse the impact of professional activity rates in Poland on the situation on the labour market in Germany. They drew attention to the need to integrate refugees from Ukraine on the German labour market, the deficit of skilled workers, as well as workers who can act as caregivers for the elderly. The focus was also on presenting German regions where the demand for foreign workers is the greatest and discussed the initiatives undertaken to support deficit areas by making the German labour market more flexible. All presentations presented during the event aroused great interest among the audience, as evidenced by interesting discussions, both during the official part and during the informal meetings. At the end of the visit, the need to organise further meetings was expressed, the work of the team will continue to focus on identifying and analysing phenomena on the labour market on the Polish-German border, including migration of people for work purposes, the flow of workers between regions. It was also proposed to develop a common set of information materials on the labour market on the Polish-German border. The entire event was accompanied by guided tours, on the occasion of the currently ongoing Zielona Góra Days, that familiarised the guests in an interesting way with the history of the city and the tradition of the largest wine festival in Poland - Zielona Góra Wine Festival.
The Polish-German Working Group met in Berlin
In Berlin, the labour market on the Polish-German border was discussed during the pandemic and the war in Ukraine. On June 30, 2022, a meeting of the Polish-German Working Group for analysis and research on the Polish-German border took place at the headquarters of the Regional Labour Directorate in Berlin, with particular emphasis on labour migration on the Polish-German border. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Regional Labour Directorate and the Institute for Employment Research in Berlin, as well as the Voivodship Labour Office in Zielona Góra. Public statistics was represented by: Roman Fedak - Director of the Statistical Office in Zielona Góra, Wiesława Gierańczyk - Director of the Statistical Office in Bydgoszcz, and Iwona Goździcka - Head of Lubuskie Regional Research Centre. The meeting was an opportunity to exchange information on ongoing research and analyses regarding the dynamically changing economic situation, including on the labour market on the Polish-German border. Particular attention was paid to experiences in monitoring socio-economic changes in the context of the epidemic threat and the war in Ukraine, including the migration of Ukrainian refugees and their impact on the regional labour market. The Group's deliberations concerned, among others, the situation on the labour market in Berlin and Brandenburg, analysis of data on Ukrainian workers on the German labour market and refugees from Ukraine. Information was also presented on the situation on the labour market in Lubuskie Voivodship, with particular focus on the presence of Ukrainian refugees. During the meeting, Iwona Goździcka, head of Lubuskie Regional Research Centre, presented the results of the study of the economic situation in the context of the epidemic threat and the war in Ukraine, including the assessment of entrepreneurs in the scope of the impact of the effects of the war in Ukraine on the economic situation. The Director of the Statistical Office in Zielona Góra, Roman Fedak, emphasised the analytical potential of economic situation indicators allowing for quick diagnostics of the current economic situation. The Director of the Statistical Office in Bydgoszcz, Wiesława Gierańczyk, presented the topic: Generations on the Polish labour market at the threshold of the third decade of the 21st century. The paper presented a statistical picture of the employed by generations and the differentiation of the professional activity of generations at the gminas level. The source of the presented statistics were administrative data. During the meeting, the need to organise further meetings was expressed, enabling the sharing of the results of the conducted research and analytical work. The team's work will continue to focus on the identification and analysis of phenomena on the labour market in the Polish-German borderland, including migration of people for work purposes, the flow of workers between regions and an attempt to develop a common set of information materials on the labour market in the Polish-German borderland.
The Polish-German labour market during the Covid-19 pandemic
The Statistical Office in Zielona Góra is organising a meeting focused on the economy and labour market on the Polish-German border during the pandemic – aimed at exchanging research and analytical experiences. On June 24, 2021, an online meeting took place as part of the work of the Polish-German Working Group for analysis and research on the Polish-German border, coordinated on the Polish side by the Statistical Office in Zielona Góra. The purpose of the meeting was to share experiences in the area of research and analysis carried out on both sides of the border in the area of the economic situation and the functioning of the labour market on the Polish-German border during the Covid-19 pandemic. The meeting was opened by the Director of the Statistical Office in Zielona Góra, Roman Fedak, and Oliver Kurz representing the Regional Labour Directorate in Berlin and Brandenburg. During the meeting, a number of interesting presentations were presented, discussing, among others, methodological and research solutions enabling monitoring the impact of the epidemic on the economic situation and the labour market.
Presentations from the Polish side: Economic situation research as a source of quick and broad information on the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on enterprises in Poland – Agnieszka Jankowska, head of the Economic Climate Research Department at the Statistical Office in Zielona Góra. The impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on selected elements of the labour market (a new approach to labour market research) – Dr Wiesława Gierańczyk, Director of the Statistical Office in Bydgoszcz. The National Census of Population and Housing 2021 – what will we learn about foreigners on the Polish labour market and labour migration? – Dorota Szałtys, Director of the Demographic Surveys at the Statistics Poland.
Presentations from the German side: COVID-19 and the most important instruments of labour market policy and their use - Britta Lüdeke, Doris Wiethölter from the Institute for Employment Research (IAB-BB/Statistik). The development of the employment process for commuters in the German border region during the COVID-19 crisis - Britta Lüdeke, Doris Wiethölter (IAB-BB/Statistik). Polish commuters in the border region during the COVID-19 crisis (sectors, professions and development) - Dr Holger Seib (IAB-BB/Statistik). The strategy of the state of Brandenburg for neighbourly cooperation in the Polish-German co-dependant area - Ellen Kray (Ministry of Finance and for Europe).
International conference as part of the “SILVER SMEs” project
On October 24, 2019, the International conference of the “SILVER SMEs” project was held at the AMADEUS Hotel in Zielona Góra entitled “Business Opportunities for the Population of Older People at Risk of Exclusion: Policy Instruments and Tools”, implemented as part of the INTERREG Europe Programme. The conference was attended by representatives of the Regional Development Agency, the Marshal's Office of the Lubuskie Voivodeship, the Regional Social Policy Centre, as well as associations, foundations and business environment institutions concerned with the issues of older people and participants of the Silver SMEs project from Lubuskie Voivodship, Slovenia, Spain, Finland, France, Sweden and Ireland. The Statistical Office in Zielona Góra was represented by Director Roman Fedak and Robert Wróbel, head Lubuskie Regional Research Centre. The first part of the conference focused on discussing senior policy and the assumptions of the Silver Economy affecting the elderly and those requiring special treatment in Lubuskie Voivodship. Robert Wróbel, a representative of the Statistical Office in Zielona Góra, delivered an introductory lecture addressing the main demographic challenges that Lubuskie Voivodship will face, focusing on the causes and consequences of population loss and the phenomenon of the ageing society. Subsequently, representatives of the Marshal's Office of the Lubuskie Voivodeship presented the possibilities of supporting the development of the silver economy under the Regional Operational Programme, as well as selected social and care services supported by the European Social Fund. The Director of the Regional Social Policy Centre discussed activities for the elderly requiring special treatment implemented under the Voivodship Programme for the elderly.
The second part of the conference showcased best practises related to the implementation of initiatives within the Silver Economy by various project stakeholders. The Silver SMEs project focuses on the development opportunities of SMEs in the production of goods and products for people over 50 years of age, including those living in rural areas. The main aim of the project is to build the involvement of small and medium-sized enterprises in the development of the Silver Economy and to develop initiatives and proactive regional policies that will enable strategic investments aimed at promoting the development of SMEs that would benefit from rapidly growing market opportunities in the areas of products and services supporting active ageing, good health, social inclusion, and independence.
Discussions on the Polish-German labour market
On September 10-11, 2019, representatives of the Institute for Employment Research and the Regional Labour Directorate in Berlin paid an official visit to the Statistical Office in Zielona Góra. The meeting, which was also attended by representatives of the Voivodship Labour Office (WUP) in Zielona Góra and the Statistical Office in Bydgoszcz, was held as part of the work of the Polish-German Working Group for analysis and research on the Polish-German border, coordinated on the Polish side by the Statistical Office in Zielona Góra.
The purpose of the meeting was to exchange experiences in the area of research and analysis conducted on both sides of the border in the area of demographic changes, the situation on the labour market and labour migration on the Polish-German border.
On the first day of the meeting, employees of the Statistical Office in Zielona Góra presented topics related to the business tendency, the impact of demographic changes on the labour market in Lubuskie Voivodship and the findings of the study on commuting to work. Director of the Statistical Office in Bydgoszcz, Wiesława Gierańczyk, shared the results of an experimental research work on the subject of Labour market areas - a new approach to presenting statistics on the example of demography and the labour market.
On the second day of the meeting, issues related to foreigners on Lubuskie labour market were discussed (representative of WUP in Zielona Góra). Meanwhile, the German side presented the results of research work carried out by the Institute for Employment Research. Doris Wiethölter (IAB - Berlin-Brandenburg) presented the topic of Regional mobility across state borders – the development of labour migration to Germany in the years 1999-2018.; Dr Holger Seibert (IAB - Berlin-Brandenburg) Labour migration from Poland to Germany. Where do they come from and where do they go; and Britta Lüdeke (Statistik-Service Ost) Development of employment of Poles in Germany (taking into account the states of Berlin and Brandenburg).
November 19-20, 2018, Study visit in Regional Labour Directorate in Berlin
On November 19-20, 2018, representatives of the Statistical Office in Zielona Góra and the Department of Demographic Research of the Statistics Poland participated in a study visit of Regional Labour Directorate in Berlin. The primary aim of the visit was to establish cooperation with the Regional Labour Directorate in Berlin and the Institute for Employment Research in the field of analysis and research, with particular emphasis on labour migration on the Polish-German border. The priority of the meeting was also to identify areas of deficit in information demand, especially regarding the preparation of the supra-regional studies and to indicate the possibilities of developing further cooperation between the institutions involved.
During the two-day meeting, the areas of future cooperation were initially defined and specific information needs and possibilities of meeting them for territorial units on both sides of the border were indicated.
10th National Conference – Cross-borderism in the sociological perspective - “Europe – divided community?”
A conference with the participation of members of the Committee of Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, academics from Polish and Ukrainian universities was held in Łagów on September 20-21, 2017.
The main focus of the conference was to address various theoretical and methodological positions and to showcase the latest results of empirical research on phenomena and processes occurring on the borders of Europe, as well as within individual member states of the European Union.
During the conference, a special debate and a paper session were organised with the participation of invited guests, during which the causes and consequences of phenomena and processes were discussed. On the one hand, these discussions highlighted the crisis of the Community, while on the other, the emergence of new social movements, opposition forces, and spontaneously formed protest groups.
The debate was specifically centred on new social movements, including: women's protests against the tightening of the anti-abortion law, analysis of the conflict related to the Constitutional Tribunal, as well as neo-National Democrat movements and organisations.
The report section presented the results of the latest empirical research on the aforementioned movements and organisations. Roman Fedak, Director of the Statistical Office in Zielona Góra, provided a presentation entitled Socio-economic changes in the Polish-German border area between 2004 and 2016 at the request of the event organisers.