- General Notes
- Revenue of gminas budgets by type in 2016
- Revenue of powiats and cities with powiat status budgets by type
- Revenue of powiats and cities with powiat status budgets by division
- Revenue and expenditure of gminas budgets per capita
- Expenditure of powiats and cities with powiat status budgets by type
- Expenditure of powiats and cities with powiat status budgets by division
- Expenditure of gminas budgets by type
- Expenditure of gminas budgets by division
- Revenue and expenditure of powiats and cities with powiat status budgets per capita
Revenue, expenditure of budgets of gminas per capita in 2016
- General Notes
- Gross domestic product(current prices)
- Gross value added by kind of activities
- General Notes
- Entities of the national economy recordered in the REGON register in 2016
- Entities of the national economy recordered in the REGON register by selected sections
- Commercial companies by legal status and sections
Entities of the national economy in the REGON register per 1000 population in 2016